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Geometric furniture: discover the geometric furniture for your facility

geometric furniture

Simple, minimal forms, this would be the perfect synthesis of the definition of geometric furniture . In all honesty we well know that the explanation is far more complex than what we have just written. This year, no less than the other years, the decor cannot possibly take second place . We are more than certain that you have already planned everything to the best as only a great manager knows how to do but if you are still looking for new ideas to furnish and improve your tourist accommodation, then you are in the right place.

While you are reading this article, it is likely that you are preparing for the day when your beach bar is reopened and you have arrived at the time to choose which style and accessories to furnish it this summer 2019. We will never stop repeating that there are many factors that influence the choice of furnishings for a tourist facility. And we are also aware that every season involves time and money to take care of everything in detail.

Our desire, in fact, is to be able to lighten these textures of stress and work by helping you in choosing outdoor accessories that best suit your needs. In other words: we like to make ourselves useful for your structure and your guests. For this reason, we are always ready to offer the best solutions in terms of comfort and versatility, even if you choose “edgy” furniture for your facility like geometric furniture.

cylindrical pouf

Geometric furniture: the ideal places for this furniture

So where to start? Would it be better to evaluate a modern style or is it essential to remain more sober, classic? A Hamletic question from which the next one immediately springs. Is it better to focus on the functionality of the outdoor complement or on its aesthetic aspect? Oh yeah. Every time we have to furnish an outdoor space there is always the same problem, functionality. Along with the functional aspect of the furniture, however, today aesthetics is also becoming important. Designing a place for its guests is equivalent to trying to create a small space in the world for their well-being.

Your bathing establishment, the patio of your beach bar, the swimming pool of your structure are all locations suitable for a type of geometric furniture characterized by square and minimal shapes. The choice of the accessories that will furnish these areas is very important. We have always made accessories that never go out of fashion, constantly monitoring the latest trends in the world of furniture.

square pouf

Geometric furniture: cylindrical pouf and square poufs for a solid outdoor

As far as the 2019 outdoor is concerned, in fact there will be the debut of geometric furniture. Characterized by basically squared, solid shapes, it will give space to complements such as cylindrical poufs, square poufs, pallet mattresses. Minimal furnishing accessories, extremely soft and comfortable that will take the place of the old monotone wooden and plastic chairs. Flamboyant armchairs and brightly colored giant cushions will have the function of making sparkling next summer.

To accompany these geometric shapes there will also be strong, bold, cheerful and contrasting colors. Shades like yellow, blue, green and red will dominate. Colors able to present an environment, able to give a fresh and decisive touch to your structure. Exactly the opposite of the romantic and pastel colors that have influenced the trends of 2018 but that you will find available among the many colors that Pomodone puts at your disposal.

If you want to know more about geometric furniture send us an e-mail and we will be happy to help you choose the furniture that best matches your facility’s needs.